A supportive-educative intervention for tuberculosis patients: Integrated self-care and family-centered nursing Year & Volume - Issue: 2022. volume 11 - Issue 1Authors: Nur Melizza, Rachmat Hargono, Makhfudli Heading: TuberculosisArticle type: Original articleKeywords: Family support, intervention, public health center, supportive educative system, tuberculosisCID: e0106DOI: 10.15275/rusomj.2022.0106PDF File: romj-2022-0106.pdf
The effects of tempe extract on the oxidative stress marker and lung pathology in tuberculosis Wistar rat Year & Volume - Issue: 2021. volume 10 - Issue 4Authors: Lusiani Tjandra, Budhi Setiawan, Kartika Ishartadiati, Sri Lestari Utami, Jimmy Hadi WidjajaHeading: PharmacologyArticle type: Original articleKeywords: antioxidant, fermented soybean, oxidative stress, soy isoflavones, tempe, tuberculosisCID: e0412DOI: 10.15275/rusomj.2021.0412PDF File: romj-2021-0412.pdf
The spread of tuberculosis in the student milieu of Russian emigrants in Czechoslovakia in the 1920s: statistics, control measures, outcomes Year & Volume - Issue: 2019. volume 8 - Issue 4Authors: Lyudmila V. Klimovich, Valeriy V. SuvorovHeading: History of MedicineArticle type: Research LetterKeywords: Russian emigration, Czechoslovakia, tuberculosis, health, migrants, Committee on Tuberculosis Control in the Society of Russian doctors in the Republic of Czechoslovakia, D.P. KishenskyCID: e0414DOI: 10.15275/rusomj.2019.0414PDF File: romj-2019-0414.pdf
Tuberculosis morbidity and mortality in the Aktobe province of Kazakhstan for the period 2008-2017 Year & Volume - Issue: 2019. volume 8 - Issue 1Authors: Saltanat T. Urazayeva, Zhuldyzay T. Turegaliyeva, Kymbat Sh. Tussupkalieva, Toleukhan B. Begalin, Ardak Zh. Murzagaliyeva, Gulaiym Zh. Nurmaganbetova, Zhuldyz K. Tashimova, Aimeken A. AmanshiyevaHeading: TuberculosisArticle type: Public reportKeywords: tuberculosis, incidence, mortality, morbidity, retrospective analysis, western KazakhstanCID: e0104DOI: 10.15275/rusomj.2019.0104PDF File: romj-2019-0104.pdf
Tuberculosis among pediatric population in the Extreme North of Russia Year & Volume - Issue: 2018. volume 7 - Issue 4Authors: Evdokia F. LuginovaHeading: TuberculosisArticle type: Public reportKeywords: tuberculosis, pediatric populationCID: e0416DOI: 10.15275/rusomj.2018.0416PDF File: romj-2018-0416.pdf
Difficulties of treatment of patients with tuberculosis and medical recommendations performed by them Year & Volume - Issue: 2014. volume 3 - Issue 3Authors: Sergey A. Yudin, A.S. Borzenko, V.V. Delaryu, A.A. KaluzheninaHeading: Infectious DiseasesArticle type: Short reportKeywords: tuberculosis, commitment to treatment of patients, questioning, medical recommendationsCID: 0307DOI: 10.15275/rusomj.2014.0307PDF File: romj-2014-0307.pdf