Submit Manuscript


Electronic versions of manuscripts should be submitted to Submission service.

Clicking on the submission service links on this page will open our manuscript submission service website in a new browser window: Submit a manuscript

Communication should contain the full postal address and e-mail address of the sender, and a clear indication as to whether the correspondence is to be considered for publication. Acknowledgement of receipt will be sent by e-mail.

All authors of submitted manuscripts must sign a copy (e-copy or scanned copy) of following docs:

  1. ICMJE Uniform Disclosure Form for Potential Conflicts of Interest,
  2. Authorship Responsibility Form with Copyright Transfer Agreement, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding, and Acknowledgment Statement,
  3. Covering letter: Please submitt with the manuscript the filled covering letter. Use the covering letter to explain why your paper should be published in the Russian Open Medical Journal — a international general medical journal — rather than elsewhere (eg, a specialty journal). In case of previous submission of manuscripts for consideration to other journals, submission of manuscripts together with referee’s reports is mandatory and will facilitate the consideration. Please suggest up to 3 potential reviewers for your manuscript; first name, last name, institution and email address are required for each suggestion. 


Submit all docs with electronic versions of manuscripts (based on template file) to Submission service.

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